How To Open And Extract File .rar .zip .7z On Android
This time I will give a tutorial which is quite helpful for those of you who like to download files from the internet, there are many types of files we can get on the internet and an example is a file with a .zip .rar and .7z etc.
But if you are wondering to open .zip .rar file type .7z etc. without using the help of a computer, you do not need to worry because we can easily open and extract to get the files in it using your android phone, and we can open that type of file using aid application called zarchiver.apk, Okay this time as an example I will extract the RAR file using an application Zarchiver.apk and this applies to all types of files.
How To Open And Extract File .rar .Zip .7z On Android
1. The first step make sure you have the format .rar files or .zip .7z etc and then download an application called Zarchiver. Here
2. Then install and open the application Zarchiver you downloaded, and then locate the file you want to extract, if you have found please just click the file
3. later on you will find a new file inside the rar file, then "press and hold" the file and select Copy, then you can put it anywhere as you want, and then click the icon that I circled
4. Now you just have to wait until the process is complete extract the file, and to its own time depending on the size of the file that you extracted, the larger the file that you extracted, the process will be longer.
2. Then install and open the application Zarchiver you downloaded, and then locate the file you want to extract, if you have found please just click the file
3. later on you will find a new file inside the rar file, then "press and hold" the file and select Copy, then you can put it anywhere as you want, and then click the icon that I circled
4. Now you just have to wait until the process is complete extract the file, and to its own time depending on the size of the file that you extracted, the larger the file that you extracted, the process will be longer.
You need to remember because of the steps that I gave above you can do well in a variety of file types such examples 7z (7zip), zip, rar, rar5, bzip2, gzip, XZ, iso, tar, arj, cab, LZH, LHA, LZMA, XAR, tgz, TBZ, Z, deb, rpm, Zipx, mtz, chm, dmg, cPIO, cramfs, img (fat, ntfs, UBF), wim, ECM, arc (FreeArc), Okay hopefully this article can be useful for all of us, and if you have trouble you can ask questions in the comments field provided below, thanks
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